Wai Lana's Little Yogis

My 4 year old son, Brayden, loves to work out with me. Recently, I have been using my stability ball again (it's been kind of sitting in the back of my closet for a while) and Brayden is just fascinated by that big bouncing ball.

Unfortunately my stability ball is way to big for Brayden to safely play with  and so I had a thought "Wouldn't it be great if they made stability balls for young children.".....So, I began my search and I found one!!!
Now Brayden and I work out on our stability balls together everyday. I put together a child friendly work-out based on the exercise poster that comes with the ball.

The ball I found is Wai Lana's Little Yogis: Stretch and Play Eco Ball Kit. It is the perfect size for my son, the ball is very sturdy and is really cute.

Here is my little guy playing on his Eco ball.


Unknown said…
did it burst how tall is he in 2010