Mint Candy Decorations Made From Recycled Styrofoam

              This year, my Christmas decor is inspired by my sons, Gingerbread Friends, book.

  I have been busy making felt gingerbread men ornaments (like pictured above), and this weekend my son and I made some, mint candy decorations, using some recycled Styrofoam, that had come as packing material in some recent orders.

All you need is a little bit of paint, glitter and imagination!!

I took the Styrofoam insert and used a dessert plate to to trace my candies.

 We used the knife from a pumpkin carving kit to cut out our candy circles. I must warn that cutting Styrofoam, makes quite a mess and took a bit of vacuuming up. LOL!

Next we free-form painted our candy swirls. Using glitter glue, we painted the parts that were meant to stay white, and then added more glitter on top of that.

After the paint dried, I inserted some pop sticks (not shown), so that they will easily stay on my tree.

And here is my Ginger bread themed Christmas Tree
